4 Ways Senior Entrepreneurs Get Their Companies Noticed

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, almost 20% of Americans will be 65 or older in 2030. In 2020, the total was around 17%. The population shift is expected to change the demographics of the American workforce. Some changes are already in place; the Public Policy and Aging Report states that senior entrepreneurship has risen steadily since 1998.

Why are more seniors starting businesses? Many times, it leads to income diversification and relative economic security for entrepreneurs. However, whether you’re selling produce from your small farm or offering online consulting services, you need to be strategic about getting your business noticed before you can expect it to be successful.

1. Create an Outstanding Logo

Your business logo grabs your customers' attention. A robust and well-designed logo can:

  • Make an excellent first impression

  • Create brand awareness

  • Set you apart from the competition

Designing a good logo doesn't have to be intimidating. You can still create an appealing logo yourself without paying for design services if you're on a budget. You can use a free logo maker to create an attractive and creative logo on your own. Just choose an icon and style, then add in your text. You can view an array of logos and adjust the fonts and colors to your preferences.

2. Design an Engaging Website

Your website creates credibility for your business. It also allows online customers to find you and purchase your product or service. Explore Uplift Media’s website services to start.

An engaging website should appeal to the eye, but that is only the beginning. Your site gets your company noticed when it ranks high in online searches. A few ways to get search engines to look favorably on your site are:

  • Create pages that relate to specific topics

  • Use relevant keywords

  • Create a blog and keep it current

  • Use high-quality photos with appropriate file names, captions, and alternate text

3. Make an Offer They Can't Refuse

If your service or product is new, customers may be hesitant to try it. They may wonder if it's worth switching from the product they use to buy something untested. You can persuade shoppers to sample your product by offering coupons, discounts, or free services.

Consumers love to save money. In 2020, almost 90% of customers reported using coupons. A special offer draws attention to your business and gives customers a reason to try it out. A 2012 study demonstrates that promotional offers create an emotional response of urgency and excitement (as you may know from personal experience).

Promotions you can try to include:

  • Discounts for new customers

  • Buy one, get one free

  • A gift card to apply to a future purchase

  • Free or deeply discounted sample products

4. Make Yourself Visible

Putting a face with your business name can attract customers, especially in a local market. Joining your area chamber of commerce, volunteering at events, and supporting causes in your neighborhood are excellent ways to increase your visibility. These efforts enable you to interact with consumers and let them connect with you. It’s also easier for people to recall a face than a name, and actively participating in your community gives your company a human trait that helps customers make the connection.

Getting noticed increases your company's chance of long-term success. Even if your new business is profitable now, the right marketing strategy grows your customer base and helps you develop relationships that endure.


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